My Loteria

My Loteria by Cristina Sosa Noriega


It all started with...

An idea to update a classic game.

Cristina selected 27 of the original 54 icons found on the traditional Mexican Loteria game and replaced them with 27 new, modern-day icons designed by Noriega, herself. This bilingual contemporary version of the game features artistic renditions of the familiar icons the previous generations are accustomed to, along with brand new additions depicted in Spanish on one side and English on the reverse side of each tablet and card.   
Sosa Noriega recreated the Mexican bingo game a well-known symbol of Mexican heritage for many Mexican Americans as a testament of an acculturated young Latina who has long searched for ways to connect her two heritages through her artistic passion. 
"I am very thankful for the overwhelmingly positive response to the product line by customers not only in my home state of Texas, but also by consumers from around the country,"  Noriega said.  "I am so thrilled to be able to share with people who live in other parts of the country the My Lotería game and product line, as well as the message that we, as Hispanics, should be proud of the heritage passed on to us."

Below are a few of the 54 original icons recreated by Cristina. Click here to view a complete gallery.